Dr. Moran Aviv
Dr. Moran Aviv is a Senior Lecturer at Afeka, Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering, and a Research Associate at Tel Aviv University. Her educational background includes a B.Sc. (cum laude) in Biotechnology Engineering, Ben Gurion University, and a M.Sc. (cum laude) and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv University. Dr. Aviv joined Afeka in 2011 as an external lecturer at the School of Medical Engineering, and since 2016 has served as a faculty member in both the School of Mechanical Engineering and Medical Engineering. Her research focuses on hydrogels, self-assembled peptides, controlled release of drugs and tissue engineering of cartilage and bone. Dr. Aviv guides students for final projects and thus is involved in several projects in the biomedical field, some of them in collaboration with hospitals and industry. In addition, Dr. Aviv is a member of the central committee for approving clinical trials in medical devices and accessories (AMAR) at the Ministry of Health.
In the past, Dr. Aviv managed the R&D at Cartiheal, a company that started as an incubator company in 2009 (Incentive) and develops an orthopedic implant for treating osteoarthritis. Dr. Aviv joined the company a month after its founding and worked there for 7 years. During this time, she served as the main developer of the implant (Agili-C) which received a CE mark within a year and was quickly promoted to management positions as the company grew. The company was recently sold to Bioventus worth half a billion dollars.
Laboratory Of Mechanical Properties And Strength
Principles Of Materials Science & Engineering
Polymers And Plastic Materials
Practical Aspects Of Biomaterials Science
Advanced Topics In Bio Materials
Material For Medical Engineering And Implants
2023-2024: Ariel-Afeka research foundation, Innovative copper-bearing hydrogel intrauterine device, Principal Investigator. A joint project with Malka Shilo, and Zoya Gordon.
2021: Outstanding Research Project, Physical and structural characterization of 3D-printed hybrid hydrogel composed of a self-assembled peptide and gelatin.
2020: Outstanding Entrepreneurial Project, M-PUS: Medical Polyurethane Stretcher.
2008: Legasi Stem Cell Scholarship as a Ph.D. student, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.
2005: Department's Scholarship for an outstanding M.Sc. student, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University.
2004: Department's Scholarship for an outstanding M.Sc. student, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University.
2001: Department's Award for an outstanding B.Sc. student, Department of Biotechnology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ben-Gurion University.
Halperin-Sternfeld, A. Pokhojaev, M. Ghosh, D. Rachmiel, R. Kannan, I. Grinberg, M. Asher, M. Aviv, P. X. Ma, I. Binderman, R. Sarig, and L. Adler-Abramovich. (2022) Immunomodulatory fibrous Hyaluronic acid-Fmoc-diphenylalanine-based hydrogel induces bone regeneration. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, DOI: 10.1111/jcpe. 13725.
Netti, M. Aviv, Y. Dan, S. Rudnick-Glick, M. Halperin-Sternfeld and L. Adler-Abramovich. (2022). Stabilizing gelatin-based bioinks under physiological conditions by incorporation of ethylene-glycol-conjugated Fmoc-FF peptides. Nanoscale, 14: 8525-8533.
Chakraborty, M. Aviv, F. Netti, D. Cohen-Gerassi and L. Adler-Abramovich. (2022). Molecular co-assembly of two building blocks harnesses both their attributes into a functional supramolecular hydrogel. Macromolecular Bioscience, 22: 2100439.
Aviv, D. Cohen-Gerassi, A. A. Orr, R. Misra, Z. A. Arnon, L. J. W. Shimon, Y. Shacham-Diamand, P. Tamamis and L. Adler-Abramovich. (2021). Modification of a Single Atom Affects the Physical Properties of Double Fluorinated Fmoc-Phe Derivatives. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22: 9634.
Ahroni, N. Dresler, A. Ulanov, D. Ashkenazi, M. Aviv, M. Librus, A. Stern. (2020). Selected applications of stimuli-responsive polymers: 4D printing by the fused filament fabrication technology. Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology 31: 13-22.
Dresler, A. Ulanov, M. Aviv, D. Ashkenazi, A. Stern. (2020). AM-FFF of objects using commercial PLA based shape memory polymer printed by an open-source 3D printer. Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology 31: 30-34.
Cohen-Gerassi, Z. A. Arnon, T. Guterman, A. Levin, M. Ghosh, M. Aviv, D. Levy, T. P.J. Knowles, Y. Shacham-Diamand, and L. Adler-Abramovich. (2020). Phase Transition and Crystallization Kinetics of a Supramolecular System in a Microfluidic Platform. Chemistry of Materials 32(19): 8342-8349. Selected for the cover of the journal.
Aviv, M. Halperin-Sternfeld, I. Grigoriants, L. Buzhansky, I. Mironi-Harpaz, D. Seliktar, S. Einav, Z. Nevo, and L. Adler-Abramovich. (2018). Improving the Mechanical Rigidity of Hyaluronic Acid by Integration of Supramolecular Peptide Matrix, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10(49), 41883-41891. Selected for the cover of the journal.
Weinstein, Z. Evron, M. Trebicz-Geffen, M. Aviv, D. Robinson, Y. Kollander, H. Werner and Z. Nevo. (2012). β-D-Xylosides Stimulate Total GAG Synthesis in Chondrocyte Cultures Due to Elevation of the Extracellular GAG Domains, Accompanied by the Depletion of the Intra-Pericellular GAG Pools, with Alterations in the GAG Profiles, Connective Tissue Research 53(2), 169-179.
Astachov, Z. Nevo, M. Aviv and R. Vago. (2011). Crystalline calcium carbonate and hydrogels as microenvironment for stem cells, Frontiers in Bioscience 16, 458-471.
Astachov, Z. Nevo, M. Aviv and R. Vago. (2011). Hyaluronan and mesenchymal stem cells: from germ layer to cartilage and bone, Frontiers in Bioscience 16, 261-276.
Zilberman, Y. Shifrovitch, M. Aviv and M. Hershkovitz. (2009). Structured drug-eluting bioresorbable films: microstructure and release profile, Journal of Biomaterials Applications 23 (5): 385-406.
Aviv, I. Berdicevsky and M. Zilberman. (2007). Gentamicin-loaded bioresorbable films for prevention of bacterial infections associated with orthopaedic implants. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research part A 83 (1): 10-19.
Z. Birk, L. Abramovitch-Gottlib, I. Margalit, M. Aviv, E. Forti, S. Geresh and R. Vago. (2006). Conversion of adipogenic to osteogenic phenotype using crystalline porous biomatrices of marine origin, Tissue Engineering 12 (1): 21-31.
Moran Aviv
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