Prof. Erel Avineri
Academic Background
A B. Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering from the Technion. A Masters Degree and a Doctorate degree in Transportation Sciences from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion. A diploma in Intelligence Systems from Helsinki and Berkley Universities. A Post Doctorate at the Faculty of Engineering at Ben Gurion University of the Negev. A staff member at the West England University, Bristol from 2004 to 2012. He headed up studies for research institutes, the European Union, the British and Israeli Governments, municipal authorities and industrial organizations. He has been awarded prizes for excellence in teaching and research.
Professional Background
Prof Avineri’s professional experience includes providing consulting and research services to more than 50 industrial and Government organizations in Israel and around the world, on the subject of Transportation and Logistics, he founded and heads up the Afeka Center for Transportation and Logistics Infrastructure (ACITRAL), holds membership in two committees of the US Transportation Research Board and is actively involved in several international organizations, including: TRB, EWGT, IEEE-ITS, IATBR. Furthermore, he served in the past as the Secretary of the Umbrella Organization of Universities in Britain and Ireland, (UTSG) on matters of transportation
Engineering Economics For Mechanical Engineering
Advanced Topics In Economics
Decision Making And Risk Assessment
Seminar In Infrastructure Engineering And Manageme
Seminar In Intelligent Systems Intelligent Transpo
Seminar In Energy Systems And Electrical Power
(A selection of recent grants, 2011-2023)
Queueing-Based and Data-Driven Design of Emergency Transportation Services (2023-2025), VATAT/ The Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) Call for Research 2022-2023. Co-Investigator (With Dr Yossef Luzon, Dr Ohad Eizenhendler)
Low-Carbon Green Growth Program. (2022-2023). Municipality of Tel-Aviv-Yafo. Co-Investigator (with Dr Moshe Tshuva, Avi Blau)
Road users' behavior: Knowledge gap research (2021-2022). VATAT/ The Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC). Principal Investigator.
Applying swarm intelligence to Demand Responsive Transportation services (2019-2021). The Center for Innovation in Transportation Principal Investigator (with Dr David Faitelson)
Applicability of Elevated PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) System (2017-2019). Chief Scientist Unit, Israeli Ministry of Transportation. Principal Investigator. (with Prof Yuval Cohen).
Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to Infrastructure Communications: Readiness of V2X Technology for Application in Israel (2016-2018). Chief Scientist Unit, Israeli Ministry of Transportation. Principal Investigator (with Dr Israel Feldman)
Guidelines for Developing a Transportation Monitor (2017). Tel-Aviv Municipality. Principal Investigator (with Dr Israel Feldman)
The Economic Value of Electronic Monitoring of Urban Traffic (2017). Mobility Insight. Co-Investigator (with Prof H. Aviram)
Strategic Analysis of Car Sharing Scheme in Tel Aviv (2016-2017). Tel-Aviv Municipality. Principal Investigator (with Dr Israel Feldman)
Integration of Social Incentives Aimed to Promote Behavioral Change (H2020 CIVITAS - 2MOVE2 Project) (2015). Sub-contractor
Urban Sustainability (2013-2016). The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies (JIIS). Co-Investigator
The Economic and Social Value of ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) Projects. (2013-2015). Chief Scientist Unit, Israeli Ministry of Transportation. Co-Investigator (with Dr Israel Feldman).
Nudging Road Safety (2013). Or Yarok, Israel. Principal Investigator.
FP7 CIVITAS+ Renaissance (2008-2012). European Commission CIVITAS (CIty-VITAlity-Sustainability) Initiative - The 7th European Research Framework (FP7). Co-investigator.
FP7 CATCH: Carbon Aware Travel CHoices in the climate-friendly world of tomorrow. (2009-2012). 7th European Research Framework (FP7). Co-investigator, leading two workpackages.
Geovation: Evaluation of the MyPTP Information Platform (2011-2012). UK EPSRC, DfT and the Technology Strategy Board. Leader of a workpackage, part of the research project “Understanding user innovation - unanticipated applications of existing ITS”.
Academic Audit - Local Sustainable Transport Fund (2012). West of England Councils. Co-investigator.
Peer Review of DfT Behaviour Insights Toolkit (2011). Department for Transport, UK. Principal Investigator.
Tiwari, J. Knowles, E. Avineri, K. Dahal and R. Roy (Eds.) (2006), Applications of Soft Computing: Recent Trends. Springer-Verlag, Germany, 420pp. ISBN: 3-540-29123-7.
Saad, E. Avineri, K. Dahal, M. Sarfraz and R. Roy (Eds.) (2007), Applied Soft Computing: Recent and Emerging Methods and Techniques. Springer-Verlag, Germany, 328pp. ISBN: 978-3-540-70704-2.
Avineri, M. Köppen, Y. Sunitiyoso, K. Dahal and R. Roy (Eds.) (2009), Applications of Soft Computing: Updating the State of Art. Springer-Verlag, Germany, 285pp. ISBN: 978-3-540-88078-3.
Refereed Journal Publications
Avineri, J.N. Prashker and A. Ceder (2000), Transportation projects selection process using fuzzy sets theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 116, 35-48.
Avineri and J.N. Prashker (2003), Sensitivity to uncertainty: The need for a paradigm shift, Transportation Research Record 1854, 90-98.
Avineri and J.N. Prashker (2004), Violations of expected utility theory in route-choice stated preferences: The certainty effect and inflating of small probabilities. Transportation Research Record 1894, 222-229.
Avineri (2004), A cumulative prospect theory approach to passengers behavior modeling: waiting time paradox revisited. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 8, 195-204.
Avineri and J.N. Prashker (2005), Sensitivity to travel time variability: travelers’ learning perspective. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 13, 157-183.
Avineri (2005), Soft computing applications in traffic and transport systems: A review. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 32, 17-25.
Avineri and J.N. Prashker (2006), The impact of travel time information on travelers’ learning under uncertainty. Transportation 33, 393-408.
Avineri (2006), The effect of reference point on stochastic network equilibrium. Transportation Science 40, 409-420.
Avineri (2007), Exploring and implementing theories of experiential learning cycle in the teaching of transport planning. CEBE Transactions, Journal of the Centre for Education in the Built Environment 4, 18-39.
Chase and E. Avineri (2008), Maximising motorway capacity through hard shoulder running: UK perspective. The Open Transportation Journal 2, 7-18.
Avineri and P.H.L. Bovy (2008), Identification of parameters for prospect theory model for travel choice analysis. Transportation Research Record 2082, 141-147.
Avineri (2009), Incorporating fuzzy reference points into applications of travel choice modeling. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 52, 221-229.
Avineri and C.G. Chorus (2010), Recent developments in prospect theory-based travel behavior Research. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research (EJTIR) 10, 293-298.
Sunitiyoso, E. Avineri and K. Chatterjee (2011), On the potential of social interaction and social learning in modelling travellers' change of behaviour under uncertainty. Transportmetrica 7, 5-30.
Nikitas, E. Avineri and G. Parkhurst (2011), Looking into older people's attitudes to road charging: are they distinctive and what are the implications for policy intervention? Transportation Planning and Technology 34, 87-108.
Sunitiyoso, E. Avineri and K. Chatterjee (2011), The effect of social interactions on travel behaviour: an exploratory study using a laboratory experiment. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 45, 332-344.
Avineri, D. Shinar and Y.O. Susilo (2012), Pedestrians’ behaviour in cross walks: The effects of fear of falling and age. Accident Analysis and Prevention 44, 30-34.
Avineri (2012), On the use and potential of behavioural economics from the perspective of transport and climate change. Journal of Transport Geography 24, 512-521.
C.B.A. Musselwhite, E. Avineri, Y.O. Susilo and D. Bhattachary (2012), Public attitudes towards motorcyclists’ safety: A qualitative study from the United Kingdom. Accidents Analysis and Prevention 49, 105-113.
Bartle, E. Avineri and K. Chatterjee (2013), Online information-sharing: A qualitative analysis of community, trust and social influence amongst commuter cyclists. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 16, 60-72.
Avineri and E.O.D. Waygood (2013), Applying valence framing to enhance the effect of information on transport-related carbon dioxide emissions. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 48, 31-38.
E.O.D. Waygood, T. Chatterton and E. Avineri (2013), Comparing and presenting city-level transportation CO2 emissions using GIS. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 24, 127-134.
Sunitiyoso, E. Avineri and K. Chatterjee (2013), Dynamic modelling of travellers’ social interactions and social learning. Journal of Transport Geography 31, 258-266.
C.B.A. Musselwhite, E. Avineri, and Y.O. Susilo (2014), Legitimising risk taking: Articulating dangerous behaviour on the road. Transportation Planning and Technology 37, 62-82.
Bartle and E. Avineri (2014), Personalised Travel Plans in the workplace: A case-study. Municipal Engineer 167(4), 183-190.
Susilo and E. Avineri (2014), The impacts of household structure to the individual’s stochastic travel and out-of-home activity time budget. Journal of Advanced Transportation 48(5), 454-470.
Avineri (2014), Editorial. Transport 167(6), 351-352.
Zverovich and E. Avineri (2015), Braess’ paradox in a generalised traffic network. Journal of Advanced Transportation 49(1), 114-138.
Ben-Elia and E. Avineri (2015), Response to travel information: A behavioural review. Transport Reviews 35(3), 352-377.
E.O.D. Waygood and E. Avineri (2016), Communicating transportation carbon dioxide emissions information: Does gender impact behavioral response? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 48, 187-202.
Gavrieli, G. Raz-Dror, I. Gordon, Y. Fridman, Z. Bloch-David, I. El-Hasid, O. Kotok, D. Kuchan, E. Avineri and K. Mintz (2016), Leading behavioural change towards sustainable urban lifestyle, Ecology and Environment, Journal for Science and Environmental Policy 7(3), 198-205 (in Hebrew).
Nikitas, E. Avineri and G. Parkhurst (2018), Understanding the public acceptability of road pricing and the roles of older age, social norms, pro-social values and trust for urban policy-making: The case of Bristol. Cities 79, 78-91.
E.O.D. Waygood and E. Avineri (2018), CO2 valence framing: Is it really any different from just giving the amounts? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 63, 718-732.
Avineri (2019), Editorial: Road Safety. Municipal Engineer 172(1), 1-2.
E. Avineri and Y. Cohen (2019), Optimal road project portfolio selection problem with local budget constraints. Journal of Business and Economic Management 7(11), 369-375.
C.B.A. Musselwhite, E. Avineri, and Y.O. Susilo (2020), The Coronavirus Disease COVID-19 and implications for transport and health. Journal of Transport and Health 16, 100853.
Avineri (2020), Hypermobility, environment and health before and after the outbreak of the CoronaVirus. Ecology and Environment, Journal for Science and Environmental Policy 11(1) (in Hebrew).
C.B.A. Musselwhite, E. Avineri, and Y.O. Susilo (2021), Restrictions on movement for Coronavirus: Threats and opportunities for transport and health. Journal of Transport and Health 20, 101042.
Olitsky, Y. Lerman and E. Avineri (2021), Stated preferences for housing within walking distance to shopping areas. Municipal Engineer 174(3), 173-179.
Mittelman, Y. Kariv, Y. Cohen, and E. Avineri (2022), Techno-economic analysis of energy supply to elevated Personal Rapid Transit (PRT). Applied Energy 306B, 118006.
Avineri (2022), (Hyper)mobility, environment and health – Lessons from the first 2.5 years of the COVID-19 pandemic. AJES (Afeka Journal of Engineering and Science) 4, 9-14.
Etgar, E. Avineri, Y. Cohen (2023), Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) capacity evaluation for inner-city – A detailed micro-simulation. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 12(1), 119-135.
Book Chapters
Avineri and P. Vaish (2003), Process-oriented plant layout design using a fuzzy set decomposition algorithm. In: J.-M. Benitez, O. Cordon, F. Hoffmann and R. Roy (Eds.), Advances in Soft Computing - Engineering, Design and Manufacturing, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 119-128. ISBN: 1 85233 755 9.
Avineri (2003), Transportation projects selection using a fuzzy approach. In: G. Tonfoni and L.C. Jain (Eds.), Innovations in Decision Support Systems, International Series on Advanced Intelligence, Advanced Knowledge International, Adelide, Australia, pp. 375-410. ISBN: 0 86803 980 2.
Avineri (2009), Social value orientation and the efficiency of traffic networks. In: Kitamura, R., Yoshii, T. and Yamamoto, T. (Eds.), The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research, Emerald, UK, pp. 725-743. ISBN: 978-1-84855-936-3.
Sunitiyoso, E. Avineri, and K. Chatterjee (2009), The role of minority influence on the diffusion of compliance with a demand management measure. In: Kitamura, R. Yoshii, T. and Yamamoto, T. (Eds.), The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research, Emerald, UK, pp. 643-672. ISBN: 978-1-84855-936-3.
Avineri (2010), Complexity Theory and Transport Planning: Fractal Traffic Network. In: Silva, E.A. and De Roo, G. (Eds.), A Planner’s Encounter with Complexity, Ashgate Publishers Ltd, Aldershot, UK, pp.227-236. ISBN: 140-9402657.
Sunitiyoso, E. Avineri, and K. Chatterjee (2010), Complexity and travel behaviour: Multi-agent simulation for predicting the influence of social aspects on travellers’ compliance with a demand management measure. In: Silva, E.A. and De Roo, G. (Eds.), A Planner’s Encounter with Complexity, Ashgate Publishers Ltd, Aldershot, UK, pp. 209-226. ISBN: 140-9402657.
Avineri (2011), Driving licences. In: Button, K. Vega, H., and Nijkamp, P. (Eds.), A Dictionary of Transport Analysis, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 116-117. ISBN: 978-1-84376 375-8.
E.O.D. Waygood, E. Avineri, G. Lyons (2012), The Role of Information in Reducing the Impacts of Climate Change for Transport Applications. In: Ryley, T. and Chapman, L. (Eds.), Transport and Climate Change (Transport and Sustainability, Volume 2), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, UK, pp. 313-340. ISBN: 978-1-78052-440-5.
Ben-Elia and E. Avineri (2015), The opportunities and threats of travel information: A behavioural perspective. In: P. Rietveld, M. Givoni and N. Thomopoulos (Eds.), ICT for Transport: Opportunities, Threats and Ethics. NECTAR Series on Transportation and Communications Networks Research. Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978-1-78347-128-7.
Avineri and E. Ben-Elia (2015), Prospect theory and its applications to the modelling of travel choice. In: S. Rasouli and H. Timmermans (Eds.), Bounded Rational Choice Behavior Applications in Transport. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. pp. 233-256. ISBN: 9781784410728.
Avineri, Y. Egozi, M. Eitan, S. Ben-Yosef, N. Dwek, K. Mintz, Y. Parag, M. Mahadav, L. Ettinger, L. Golan, L. Leibovitch, R. Natanzon , Z. Bloch-David, Y. Friedman, and E. Bloch (2017), Where change can take place? Chapter 1 in: T. Gavrielli et al. (Eds.), Urban Sustainability: Making it Happen. Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research, Jerusalem, Israel. pp. 29-74. (in Hebrew)
Avineri, Y. Egozi, S. Band-Hevrony, H. Kot, O. Ronen, Y. Rofé, M. Eitan, T. Erez, L. Ettinger, L. Leibovitch, Z. Bloch-David, Y. Friedman, E. Bloch, I. Elhasid, and O. Golan (2017), Test cases: Urban Labs. Chapter 3 in: T. Gavrielli et al. (Eds.), Urban Sustainability: Making it Happen. Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research, Jerusalem, Israel. pp. 83-128. (in Hebrew)
Avineri (forthcoming, 2024), Travel Behaviour Change. Chapter 8 In: D. Potoglou and J. Spinney (Eds.), Handbook of Travel Behaviour. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978 1 83910 573 9
Erel Avineri
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