![פרופ' יובל כהן](/media/avijb5wz/יובל-כהן.jpg?width=280&height=280&rnd=133204840349100000)
פרופ' יובל כהן
בניין הפיקוס, קומה שלישית, 310
פרופ' יובל כהן הוא מהנדס תעשייה וניהול בעל ניסיון עשיר במחקר והוראה אקדמית. הוא בעל תואר ראשון מאוניברסיטת בן-גוריון, תואר שני מהטכניון, ודוקטורט מאוניברסיטת פיטסבורג בארה"ב. קריירה אקדמית מרשימה כוללת תפקידי הוראה ומחקר באוניברסיטה הפתוחה ובמכללת אפקה, שם הוא משמש כפרופסור חבר מאז 2019. מחקריו של פרופ' כהן מתמקדים בתחומי הנדסת תעשייה מתקדמת, תעשייה 4.0, וניהול תפעול ולוגיסטיקה, עם דגש מיוחד על מערכות הרכבה חכמות. במכללת אפקה, הוא מוביל את תחום ניהול התפעול בהנדסת תעשייה וניהול ומלמד קורסים מתקדמים. פרופ' כהן פרסם למעלה מ-60 מאמרים בכתבי עת מובילים, ערך ספרים וגיליונות מיוחדים, וזכה בפרסים על מצוינות במחקר והוראה. תרומתו למכללת אפקה כוללת פיתוח תוכניות לימודים חדשניות והנחיית סטודנטים לתארים מתקדמים. מעבר לפעילותו האקדמית, פרופ' כהן משמש כעורך שותף בכתב העת Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing ופעיל בוועדות בינלאומיות בתחומו, מה שמאפשר לו להביא למכללת אפקה את החידושים העדכניים ביותר בתחום הנדסת התעשייה והניהול.
תכן מערך מפעלים
ניהול התפעול 1
ניהול התפעול 2
שיטות מתקדמות בתכנון ומדידת ביצועים
תעשייה 4.0 וייצור מתקדם
Prof. Cohen’s broad area of expertise is in operations planning and decision making. His research areas could be naturally categorized into 3 distinct areas as follows
Production planning
Project modeling and scheduling
Decision making in business and operations
1. Books
1. Shtub A., Cohen Y., (2014) Introduction to Industrial Engineering, The Open University of Israel, (in Press, in Hebrew).
2. Cohen Y. (2012) Probability and Stochastic Models in Operations Research, The Open University of Israel, ISBN: 978-965-06-1365-5 (in Hebrew: 474 pages).
3. Shtub A., Cohen Y., Keren B., (2008) Project Management for Industrial Engineering Students, The Open University of Israel, ISBN: 978-965-06-0963-4 (in Hebrew: 612 pages).
Edited Books
Professional and scientific editor for the translation to Hebrew of the two volumes of "Production and Operations Analysis". The translation is the basis of two courses in the Open University:
1. Nahmias S. (2008) Operations Management 1, The Open University of Israel, ISBN: 965-06-0712-9; ((in Hebrew)
2. Nahmias S. (2008) Operations Management 2, The Open University of Israel, ISBN: 965-06-0787-0. ((in Hebrew)
Study Guides
1. Study guide for "Operations Management - 1" course (10687), with Dr. Beni Bar-Yoseph (181 pages, Hebrew). Publisher: The Open University of Israel, 2008.
2. Study guide for the course "Operational Strategy for MBA" (13027), with Dr. Beni Bar-Yoseph (187 pages, Hebrew). Publisher: The Open University of Israel, 2008.
3. Study guide for the course "Project Management for MBA" (13032), with Prof. Uri Benzion Dr. Baruch Keren, and Dr. Arie Nahmias (255 pages, Hebrew). Publisher: The Open University of Israel, 2013.
2. Book Chapters
1. Cohen Y., Gonen S., Golan M., & Goren-Bar D., Chapter 8: Automating the transformation from a prototype to a method of assembly, Innovations and Advances in Computer Information Systems, Sciences, and Engineering, Part I, Springer, 2013, 99-106.
2. Cohen Y., & Goren-Bar D., New Automated Assembly Model Based on Automated Route Card Scheme, in: Elleithy K., Sobh T., Emerging Trends in Computing, Informatics, Systems Science and Engineering, Springer 2013, 95-102.
3. Cohen Y., & Zwikael O.; A New Technique for Estimating the Distribution of a Stochastic Project Makespan, in Wang J., Project Management Techniques and Innovations in Information Technology, IGI Global, 33-47, 2012.
4. Cohen Y., Wang M., and Bidanda B.; Transition Network for Automation Modeling: A Case Study, in: Elleithy K., Sobh T., Iskander M. Kapila V. Karim M., Mahmood A. (editors), Technological Developments in Networking, Education and Automation; Springer; 2010; 187-192.
5. Cohen Y., Wang M., and Bidanda B.; Automatic translation of a process level Petri-net to a ladder-diagram, in: Sobh T., Elleithy K., Mahmood A., Karim M. (editors), Advanced Techniques in computing Sciences and Software Engineering; Springer; 2010; 25-31. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**
6. Cohen Y.; A modeling technique for execution and simulation of discrete automation, , in: Sobh T., Elleithy K., Mahmood A., Karim M. (editors), Novel algorithms and techniques in telecommunications, automation and industrial electronics; Springer; 2008; 273-278.
7. Cohen Y., Wang M., and Bidanda B.; Modeling and implementation of agent-based discrete industrial automation, in: Sobh T., Elleithy K., Mahmood A., Karim M. (editors), Innovative algorithms and techniques in automation, industrial electronics and telecommunications; Springer; 2007; 535-541.
3. Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Faccio M., Cohen Y., "Editorial", Assembly Automation, 35 (1), 2015.
2. Cohen Y., A Technique for Integrated Modelling of Manual and Automatic Assembly, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM), 24 (3), 2015, 164-181.
3. Gurevich G., Cohen Y., Keren B., Optimizing bundling policy of single-period products: perspectives of producers and retailers, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS), 5 (4), 2014, 1-25.
4. Shavit T., Benzion U., Cohen Y., Behavioral decision making in the (Q,R) purchasing model: An experimental study, Managerial and Decision Economics, 35 (5) 2014, 357–370.
5. Singer G., Golan M., Cohen Y., From product documentation to a ‘method prototype’ and standard times: a new technique for complex manual assembly, International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), 52 (2), 2014, 507-520.
6. Apartsin Y., MaymonY., CohenY., Singer G., Nationality and Risk Attitude : Testing Differences and Similarities of Investors’ Behavior in Selected Financial Markets, Global Finance Journal (GFJ), 24 (2), 2013, 114-118.
7. Bukchin Y., Cohen Y., Minimizing throughput loss in assembly lines due to absenteeism and turnover via work-sharing, International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), 51 (20), 2013, 6140–6151
8. Cohen Y., Ornoy H., and Keren B., MBTI Personality Types of Project Managers and their Success: A Field Survey, Project Management Journal (PMJ), 44, (3), 2013, 78-87.
9. Cohen Y., Assembly line segmentation: determining the number of stations per section, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM), 24 (3), 2013, 397 – 412.
10. Cohen Y., On allocation of tasks with different learning slopes to stations in assembly line for lots, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business Research (JCIBR), 1 (3), 2012, 23-40.
11. Cohen Y., Absenteeism as a Major Cause of Bottlenecks in Assembly Lines, International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), 50 (21), 2012, 6072-6080.
12. Cohen Y., Sadeh A., Zwikael O., Finding the Shortest Non-Delay Schedule for a Resource-Constrained Project, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS), 3 (4), 2012, 41-58
13. Weintraub E., and Cohen Y.; Business IT divide problem pertaining to planning and budgeting activities, Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, 8 (2), 2012, 85-109.
14. Keren B., and Cohen Y.; Optimising Project Performance: The Triangular Trade-off Optimisation Approach, International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics (IJEME), 3 (1), 2012, 152-170.
15. Cohen Y., Zwikael O., and Sadeh A.; Using a sliding-frame approach for scheduling large and complex IT projects, International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM), 2 (4), 2011, 1-13.
16. Cohen Y., A new technique for evaluating the balanced scorecard dashboard values, Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2011, 9 (1), 79-84.
17. Cohen Y., A New Modeling and Implementation Technique for Agent-Based Discrete Industrial Automation, Journal of Communication and Computer; 8 (1); 2011, 1-7.
18. Cohen Y., Zwikael O., A New Technique for Estimating the Distribution of a Stochastic Project Makespan, International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM), 1(3), July-September 2010, 14-27.
19. Benzion U., Cohen Y., Shavit T., The newsvendor problem with unknown distribution, Journal of Operational Research Society (JORS), 61; 2010; 1022-1031.
20. Cohen Y., Mining the successful binary combinations: Methodology and a simple case study, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 7(1), 2010; 1-9.
21. Cohen Y., and Dar-El E.; The sliding frame - extending the concept to various assembly line balancing problems, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM); 20 (1/2/3/4); 2010; 4-24.
22. Cohen Y., Wang M. E., and Bidanda B.; Automatic translation of process level Petri-net to a ladder diagram, Journal of Communication and Computer; 6 (11); 2009, 58-64.
23. Cohen Y., and Keren B.; Trailer to door assignment in a synchronous cross-dock operation, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM); 5, (5); 2009; 574-590.
24. Cohen Y. and Zwikael O.; Modelling and Scheduling Projects Using Petri Networks; International Journal of Project Organization and Management (IJPOM); 1 (2); 2009; 221-233.
25. Prakash, A., Khilwani, N., Tiwari, M.K., Cohen, Y.; Modified immune algorithm for job selection and operation allocation problem in flexible manufacturing systems, Advances in Engineering Software, 39 (3), 2008, 219 – 232.
26. Benzion U., Cohen Y., Peled R., and Shavit T.; Decision-making and the newsvendor problem: an experimental study, Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS); 59 (9); 2008; 1281-1287.
27. Cohen Y., Dar-El E., Vitner G., and Sarin S.; Optimal layout and work allocation in batch Assembly under learning effect, International Journal for Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA); 4 (1-2); 2008; 188-207.
28. Cohen Y., Dar-El E., Vitner G., and Sarin S.; Work allocation to stations in a line with unlimited buffers for three general learning patterns, International Journal for Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA); 4 (1-2); 2008; 123-140.
29. Cohen Y., Vitner G., and Sarin S.; Work allocation to stations with varying learning slopes and without buffers, European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR); 184 (2); (January 2008); 797-801.
30. Cohen Y., Sadeh A., and Ben-David A.; A new approach for decision rule extraction from binary data, Journal of Engineering, Computing and Architecture (ISSN 1934-7197); 1(2); 2007; 1-10.
31. Cohen Y., and Sadeh A.; A new approach for constructing and generating AOA networks, Journal of Engineering, Computing and Architecture (ISSN 1934-7197); 1 (1); 2006; 1-15.
32. Zwikael O., Cohen Y., And Sadeh A.; Non-Delay scheduling as a managerial approach for managing projects, International Journal of Project Management (IJPM); 24; 2006; 330-336.
33. Cohen Y., Vitner G., and Sarin S.; Optimal allocation of work in assembly lines for lots with homogeneous learning, European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Special issue on line balancing; 168 (3); 2006; 922-931.
34. Cohen Y. and Dar-El E. M.; Optimizing the number of stations in assembly lines under learning, Production Planning and Control; 9 (3); 1998; 230-240.
35. Cohen Y., Bidanda B., and Billo E. R.; Accelerating the generation of work-measurement standards through automatic speech recognition: A laboratory study, International Journal of Production Research (IJPR); 36 (10); 1998; 2701-2715.
36. Billo E. R., Bidanda B., Cohen Y., Fei C., and Petri K.; Performance standards and testing of two-dimensional bar-code systems for overhead scanning, Journal of Manufacturing Systems (JOMS); 15 (5); 1996; 305-315.
4. Papers and Abstracts - Proceedings of Conferences
1. Weintraub E., Cohen Y., Continuous Monitoring System Based on Systems' Environment, Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, May 2015.
2. Cohen Y., Gelbard R., Etgar R., Scheduling Continuous Projects with Version Releases, Proceedings of the 24th Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC); Nashville, USA; May 2015.
3. Cohen Y., Rozenes S., Zwikael O., Dynamic Strategic Planning in Project Management:
Optimizing Project's Value, Proceedings of the 24th Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC); Nashville, USA; May 2015.
4. Cohen Y., Zwikael O., New approach for managing strategic and mega projects. Proceedings of the 19th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; February 2015.
5. Weintraub E. and Cohen Y., Optimizing cloud costs, Proceedings of the 19th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; February 2015.
6. Cohen Y., Etgar R., Determining the SOW of a continuing project releases. Proceedings of the 19th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; February 2015.
7. Cohen Y., Apartsin Y., Service Oriented Acquisition Models for Serving Products with Short Expiration Period Series: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 201, Springer. In: Sampaio da Nóvoa, Henriqueta, Dragoicea, Monica (Eds.), Proceedings, Exploring Services Science, 6th International Conference, IESS 2015, Porto, Portugal, February 4-6, 2015.
8. Meltser A. Cohen Y., Avigal M., Conclusions from Comparing Genetic Algorithms for U-shaped Assembly Line Balancing, Proceedings of the 23th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (ISERC); Montreal, Canada; May 2014.
9. Cohen Y., Etgar R., Gelbard R., Optimizing Planning and Scheduling Product/Software Releases using MPSO, Proceedings of the 23th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (ISERC); Montreal, Canada; May 2014.
10. Cohen Y., Apartsin Y., Retailer's Optimal Bundling Policy in a Supply-Chain of Single Period Items, Proceedings of the 18th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; March 2014.
11. Cohen Y., Avigal M., Meltzer A., Comparison of Three Genetic Algorithms for Mixed Model U-shaped Assembly Line Balancing, Proceedings of the 18th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; March 2014.
12. Cohen Y., Ornoy H., Keren B., MBTI Profiles of Project Managers and Project Success: A Survey, Proceedings of the 18th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; March 2014.
13. Cohen Y., Faccio M., Absenteeism/Turnover Analysis in Mixed-Model Assembly Lines, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Production Research (ICPR 22), Iguassu Falls, Brazil, July 2013.
14. Cohen Y., Bukchin Y., Optimizing Work-Sharing Assignments for Replacements of Absentees in Assembly Lines, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Production Research (ICPR 22), Iguassu Falls, Brazil, July 2013.
15. Cohen Y., Span of Control in Long Assembly Lines – Segmenting the Line, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Production Research (ICPR 22), Iguassu Falls, Brazil, July 2013.
16. Cohen Y., On Capacity Planning for Multi-Stage Multi Model Production Lines with Parallel Machines, Proceedings of the IAFC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling and Control (MIM), Saint Petersburg, Russia, June, 2013.
17. Cohen Y., Gelbard R., Etgar R., Determining the SOW of Product Releases of a continuous Project, Proceedings of the 6th Israeli Industrial Engineering Research Meeting (IIERM); Maale-Hachmisha, Israel; March 2013.
18. Cohen Y., Segmentation of an Assembly Line: Optimizing the Number of Stations per Segment, , Proceedings of the 6th Israeli Industrial Engineering Research Meeting (IIERM); Maale-Hachmisha, Israel; March 2013.
19. Cohen Y., Record breaking statistics: implications for optimization search-techniques and risk management, International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP-2012), Jerusalem, Israel, June, 2012.
20. Cohen Y., and Delorme X., Column Generation Approach for Planning the Operation of Reconfigurable Production Line Segments with Bidirectional Conveyance System, 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM-2012), Bucharest, Romania, May, 2012.
21. Weintraub E., Cohen Y., Business – IT divide problem pertaining to planning and budgeting activities, Proceedings of the 17th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; March 2012.
22. Cohen Y., Faccio M., The combined effect of multiple models sequencing and absenteeism/turnover on the throughput of assembly lines, Proceedings of the 17th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; March 2012.
23. Golan M., Singer G., Goren-Bar D., Cohen Y., Using manual assembly instructions to generate standard times, Proceedings of the 17th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; March 2012.
24. Cohen Y., Singer G., Golan M., Goren-Bar D., Automating the Transformation From a Prototype to a Method of Assembly, Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation (IETA 11), in IEEE's: Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE); December 2011.
25. Cohen Y., A route card modeling technique for complex assembly, 21st International Conference on Production Research (ICPR 21), Stuttgart, Germany, July 2011.
26. Cohen Y., Zwikael O., Sadeh A.; Optimal Project Subsets Selection in Polynomial Time, Proceedings of the 20th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Reno, NV, USA; May 2011.
27. Cohen Y.; Assembly line design with shared machines, Proceedings of the 20th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Reno, NV, USA; May 2011.
28. Cohen Y, Goren-Bar D., Golan M.; New automated assembly model based on automated route card scheme, Proceedings of the 5th Israeli Industrial Engineering Research Meeting (IIERM); Dead-Sea Resort, Israel; March 2011.
29. Cohen Y. Goren-Bar D., New Automated Assembly Model Based On Automated Route Card Scheme, Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation (IETA 10), in IEEE's: Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE); December 2010.
30. Cohen Y.; The Impact of Absenteeism and Turnover in Assembly Lines and Strategies for Overcoming Them, Proceedings of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Conference (MSOM 2010), Haifa, Israel; June 2010.
31. Cohen Y.; A New Technique for Solving the Assembly Line Design Problem, Proceedings of the 19th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Cancun, Mexico; May 2010.
32. Cohen Y.; Optimizing Purchase Mix of Bundles and Separate Products in the Supply-Chain, Proceedings of the 19th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Cancun, Mexico; May 2010.
33. Cohen Y.; Planning for Assembly Lines Absenteeism and Turnover, Proceedings of the 19th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Cancun, Mexico; May 2010.
34. Cohen Y., Keren B., New modeling framework for project risk analysis
with stochastic risks, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Research (SMRLO), Beer-Sheva, February 2010.
35. Gurevich G., ., Keren B., Cohen Y., The impact of bundling perishable products on retailer and producer total profit, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Research (SMRLO), Beer-Sheva, February 2010.
36. Sadeh A., Cohen Y., Zwikael O., Using Sliding Frame Approach for Scheduling Large and Complex Projects, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Singapore, December 2009.
37. Cohen Y. Wang M., Bidanda B., Transition Network for Automation Modeling: A Case Study, Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation (IETA 09), in IEEE's: Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE); December 2009.
38. Darel E., Cohen Y.; Manual Assembly of Lots: Learning as a Drive for a Single Line Configuration, International Conference of Production Research (ICPR-20), Shanghai, China, August 2009.
39. Keren B., Cohen Y., Hadad Y., Trade-off optimization in project management: time, budget, and quality, Proceedings of 23rd European Conference On Operational Research Conference (EURO), Bonn, Germany, June 2009.
40. Gurevich G., Keren B., Cohen Y., Hadad Y., Optimal Bundling for single-period inventory problem, Proceedings of 23rd European Conference On Operational Research Conference (EURO), Bonn, Germany, June 2009.
41. Cohen Y., Benson D., Keren B.; New Operations Planning Heuristic for LTL and Package Delivery Systems, Proceedings of the 18th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Vancouver, Canada; May 2009.
42. Cohen Y., Sarin S., A New Technique for Solving the Assembly Line Design Problem, Proceedings of the 18th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Vancouver, Canada; May 2009.
43. Cohen Y.; Load Plan Heuristic for a Network of Hubs and Terminals in Package Delivery Systems, Proceedings of the ORSIS conference 2009; Herzlia, Israel; May 2009.
44. Cohen Y.; Load Plan Heuristic for a Network of Hubs and Terminals in Package Delivery Systems, Proceedings of the ORSIS conference 2009; Herzelia, Israel; May 2009.
45. Cohen Y, Dar-El E., Vitner G.; The sliding frame – extending the concept to various assembly line balancing problems, Proceedings of the 4th Israeli Industrial Engineering Research Meeting (IIERM); Maalot, Israel; March 2009.
46. Gurevich G, Baruch K, Cohen Y.; Optimal bundling policy for the newsvendor problem, Proceedings of the 4th Israeli Industrial Engineering Research Meeting (IIERM); Maalot, Israel; March 2009.
47. Cohen Y., Automatic Translation of a Process Level Petri-Net to a Ladder Diagram, Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation (IETA 08), in IEEE's: Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE); December 2008.
48. Cohen Y, Dar-El E.; Applying a sliding frame approach for solving a new assembly line design problem, Proceedings of the 17th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Vancouver, Canada; May 2008.
49. Cohen Y., Zwikael O., and Sadeh A.; Sliding-frame: a new promising approach in project scheduling, Proceedings of the 17th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Vancouver, Canada; May 2008.
50. Cohen Y., Sadeh A., and Raz D.; From Node Routing to Arc Routing: Utilizing the Chinese Postman problem for Heuristically Solving the TSP, Proceedings of the ORSIS conference 2008; Shfayim, Israel; May 2008.
51. Sadeh A, Cohen Y, and O Zwikael; A Heuristic Efficient Solution for Non-Delay Resource Constrained Project Schedule. In: Funda Sivrikaya and Serifoglu Umit Bilge (editors), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS); Istanbul Turkey; April 2008, 236- 239.
52. Cohen Y., Keren B.; A simple heuristic for assigning doors to trailers in cross-docks, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL); Tel-Aviv, Israel; March 2008.
53. Cohen Y., Zwikael O., and Sadeh A.; Using a sliding-frame approach for scheduling large and complex projects, Proceedings of the 15th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; March 2008.
54. Cohen Y., Wang M. E., and Bidanda B.; A modeling technique for execution and simulation of discrete automation, Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation (IETA 07), in IEEE's: Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE); December 2007.
55. Cohen Y., Sadeh A., and Zwikael O.; On the time dimension of risks in multi project environment, Proceedings of the 16th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Nashville, TN; May 2007.
56. Cohen Y., Zwikael O., and Keren B.; Project dynamic scheduling using Petri nets and pheromones, Proceedings of the 16th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Nashville, TN; May 2007.
57. Cohen Y., and Keren B.; A new efficient heuristic for cross-dock door assignment problem, Proceedings of the ORSIS conference 2007; Maale-HaChamisha, Israel; May 2007.
58. Cohen Y., Wang M. E., and Bidanda B.; Modeling and implementation of agent-based discrete industrial automation, Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation (IETA 06), in IEEE's: Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE); December 2006.
59. Cohen Y., Sadeh A., and Rokach L.; New rule extraction approach using a modified QM algorithm, Proceedings of the 15th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Orlando, FL; May 2006.
60. Cohen Y.; A Polynomial-time optimal inspection policy technique and its implementation, Proceedings of the 15th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Orlando, FL; May 2006.
61. Cohen Y., and Sarin S.; A Comparison of the effect of industrial learning on sequential vs. parallel batch assembly makespan, Proceedings of the 15th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Orlando, FL; May 2006.
62. Cohen Y., Vitner G., and Sarin S.; Learning and buffers effects on work allocation of lots' assembly, Proceedings of the 15th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Orlando, FL; May 2006.
63. Cohen Y., Sadeh A., and Zwikael O.; Extending a heuristic for resource constrained project scheduling (proceedings distributed in a CD), Proceedings of the 14th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; March 2006.
64. Cohen Y., Sadeh A., and Zwikael O.; An efficient technique for finding the shortest non-delay schedule for a resource-constrained project, Proceedings of the 14th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Atlanta, GA; May 2005.
65. Cohen Y., Vitner G., and Sarin S.; Work allocation to stations with various learning slopes in assembly lines for lots, Proceedings of the 14th Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Atlanta, GA; May 2005.
66. Cohen Y., Bidanda B., and Rokach L.; A new technique for modeling and implementation of agent-based discrete industrial automation, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Manufacturing (FAIM); Bilbao, Spain; July 2005.
67. Cohen Y., Sadeh A., and Zwikael O.; New efficient heuristic for resource constrained project scheduling, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Production Research (ICPR); Salerno, Italy; August 2005.
68. Cohen Y., and Vitner G.; Evaluating productivity by combining characteristics of BSC and QFD, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Production Research (ICPR); Salerno, Italy; August 2005.
69. Cohen Y., Sadeh A., and Zwikael O.; A new approach for generating project activities on arcs network, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS); Nancy, France; 2004; pp. 80-83.
70. Cohen Y., and Sadeh A.; A new technique for generating AOA network from a list of precedence constraints, Proceedings of the 13th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; 2004; p. 74e.
71. Cohen Y., Vitner G., and Dar-El E.; Optimal work allocation in batch assembly lines, under homogeneous learning, Proceedings of the 13th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference (IEM); Tel-Aviv, Israel; 2004; p. 96e.
72. Cohen Y. and Vitner G.; Combining the characteristics of balanced score card and QFD into a new technique for evaluating productivity, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Production and Quality Research (ISPQR); Miami, FL; February 2004.
73. Cohen Y., and Vitner G.; Optimal Work allocation in batch assembly lines, under learning, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Production and Quality Research (ISPQR); Miami, FL; February 2004.
74. Cohen Y., and Bukchin J.; A new arc-elimination approach: reducing the complexity of network routing in two dimensions, Second International Conference on Freight Transportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS); Palermo, Sicily; 2003; pp. 1-5.
75. Cohen Y., and Sadeh A.; The importance of network representation: converting AON networks to AOA networks with minimum dummies, EURO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting; Istanbul; 2003.
76. Sadeh A., and Cohen Y.; A new approach for finding wining combinations in dichotomic data, EURO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting; Istanbul; 2003.
77. Sadeh A., and Cohen Y.; Finding wining combinations, Operations Research Society of Israel Annual Meeting (ORSIS); 2003.
78. Cohen Y.; A new algorithm for constructing activities on arcs (AOA) networks, INFORMS annual meeting; San-Jose, CA; 2002; p. 52.
79. Cohen Y., and Bidanda B.; Y-net: a new technique for modeling discrete control in industrial systems, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Production Research (ICPR); Osaka, Japan; 1997; 54-57.
80. Cohen Y., and Bidanda B.; Y-net: a new technique for modeling discrete control in industrial systems, Proceedings of the Sixth Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Miami, FL; 1997; 586-591.
81. Cohen Y., Bidanda B., and Billo, E. R.; On integrating work measurement systems with voice-recognition technologies, Proceedings of the Fifth Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); Minneapolis, MN; 1996; 551-556.
82. Cohen Y., and Bidanda B.; Discrete control modeling technique for automated industrial systems, Proceedings of the Embedded Computing Conference / Industrial Control Programming (ECC/ICP); Paris, France; 1996; 279-287.
83. Billo E. R., Bidanda B., and Cohen Y.; The new generation of two-dimensional bar-code symbologies, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Production Research (ICPR); Jerusalem, Israel, 1995; 303-305.
84. Cohen Y., Bidanda B., Billo E. R., and Zandin K.; A New generation of work-measurement for manufacturing and industrial applications, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Production Research (ICPR); Jerusalem, Israel; 1995; 730-732.
85. Billo E. R., Bidanda B., and Cohen Y.; On the development of an intelligent speech-based work-measurement system, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM); Stuttgart, Germany; 1995; 424-433.
86. Cohen Y.; Minimization of the makespan in production lines under learning, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM); Haifa, Israel; 1992; Section 4.3.2.
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